Today I wanted to post one of my Daily 5 task. It is all about Aroha. Do you know what Aroha means?

I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Tupou.
Today I wanted to post one of my Daily 5 task. It is all about Aroha. Do you know what Aroha means?
Topics 3-Earthworms
What are Earthworms?
Earthworms breathe through their skin
Earthworms has no eyes,legs, and arms
Without Earthworms in our soil, life will pretty quickly dry up
Worms are cold blooded animals
Baby worms are not born, they hatch from a cocoon that is smaller than a grain of rice
If a worms skin dries out, it will die
Worms can eat their weight everyday
Each Earthworm is male & female, producing both eggs & sperm
Worms that come out at night is called night-crawlers
Earthworms have no bones or a skeletons
So this is my poster I did yesterday but I forgot to blog it. This is one of my Daily 5 task's I had to do which was listen to reading. I decided to watch an video about a rugby union player that got serious injured. It was very sad but interesting of how the process went when he was in hospital.
Today I just wanted to do a extra task of my own. I decided to do a poster about why education is important and things that are important in education. Here it is and hope you like it!
Today for Word work I did another word search for you guys to do. I don't know if it's gonna be hard but remember to keep on going and never giving up. Hope you like it!
Today I had to do a task about different kinds of things like World War 1 & 2, Mother Teresa,Treaty of Waitangi and many interesting things that we all should know & learn about. This was very easy to do and also very interesting to learn different things of what it was like back then.
Today I learnt how to play a Maori stick game called Poi Rakau. I think I already played this game in the juniors but I don't know when. It is a pretty fun game to play from the way I see it & also pretty easy to learn. This game test's you by your SPEED<AGILITY<AND FOCUS!
~The Legend Of Rahi~
Rahitutakahina had a beautiful wife named Te Arakurapkaewai. Together they lived in a beautiful valley amongst their people.One night,under the cover of darkness, the Tohunga named Te Puhuru and his band came & kidnapped Te Arakurapakewai while she was sleeping in the meeting room.Rahi came & check on his wife but she wasn’t there & he knew who it was. He was so angry when his wife was gone so he went to go & save her.”My wife has been kidnapped & we all need to go & find her now”! Said Rahi with fear. After overcoming many obstacles the tribe finally gets to the place where Rahi’s wife is. “Te Puhuru bring out my wife and my mens will kill you to swift death” said Rahi. “Never” shouted Te Puhuru! Rahi’s mens were doing the patupaiarehe and at the last gasp Te Arakurapakewai emerged from the cave. And Rahi was relieved & they were once more reunited. They went back to their village and celebrated by having delicious meals & singing songs.
Today I had to listen to a video on how to play the game Ki O Rahi. Then I had to write down all the rules on how to play it. Have you ever played this game before? It is really fun & awesome because you are moving around & also you guess to show off your fine moves. LOL
This is my third animation I made for the week. Learning about these legends & stories is just so amazing.My favorite animation I made out of these three is the first one- The Legend Of Mataora & Niweraka.
Today I finished doing another animation about How Mana Brought Fire Into The World. This animation is more longer than the other one but comment below which animation you liked best and why! Thank you
Here is a word work task I forgot to do yesterday but here it is. I have created a word bank about sounds & adjectives I heard in the video I watch yesterday about Mataora & Niweraka.Hope you like it!
Today I did a slideshow of the top 6 Maori celebrations we celebrate in New Zealand.Some of these celebrations I didn't know of but some I did. It was very interesting learning about these celebrations we celebrate in New Zealand.
Today for Blogging B1 I had to choose a manaiakalani school & choose a Year 7 & 8 class and comment on one of the students blog. We can blog comment on how many students we want to from different schools or we can just comment on a Year 7 & 8 class from our own school.
Today I did a poster about some Maori words I learnt. Some I already knew but some I didn't. It was really easy doing this & learning it. Hope you like it!
Tonight I just finish an animation about the legend of Mataora & Niweraka. It was pretty easy to make & to do. I really loved the story of how it went back then.
Here I have a poster about a video I watched for listen to reading. I listen to a Samoan family singing a lullaby which is a well known lullaby called Rock a bye baby. I hope you like my poster.
For work on writing I did a poster about butterflies. I picked to do a poem about it which the poem was a Diamante poem. If you don't know what a Diamante poem is well it is a poem that you have to write about one topic and shape it into a diamond.
Today for Word work I did a word search about Te Reo Maori. All of the words are in Maori so lets see if you can found out what's the word in English. Hope you like it!
Do you remember what I did? Well if you don't know I did a slide of the Mate Ma'a Tonga players & today I did a poster about the Mate Ma'a Tongans Revolution. Here it is & hope you like it! Malo
Sorry guys I forgot to post this yesterday but here it is. I did a poster about how to make the Umu & what you need for it. It is very simple to do, and my mum is thinking to make Lu Si pi on Sunday to end Tongan Language Week. Doesn't that sound awesome!I also hope the kids at school had an amazing time yesterday. They were making Umu.
Today I did a slide of the Mate Ma'a Tonga players & things about them. Tomorrow I am going to write the revolution about Mate Ma'a Tonga, so be ready! Here it is & please don't judge!